Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fayah Peppa and more . Belizean tradition at its best.

R. Our Pineapple Vinegar,our Mango Vinegar and our Rasberry/Apple Vinegars have been aging for over 6 months now . Couple more weeks they will be ready to ship along with our oils !!!!!! Good Morning all

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Belizean Onion Sauce with a special touch....

The fresh taste of onions,garlic hot peppers and vinegar..Pictures to come, also available for shipping.... Large jar is $3.99 USD Small jar is 1.99 USD Plus shipping shelf life a very long time...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

CalCor Belize FYAH Peppa Sauce

If your ready for those free samples send us an email with your information and we will be more than happy to send then out to you today.... CalCor Attn: Ordering Department